Navigate to to explore the available metrics.Execute the app as tzsp_packetstream_exporter -interface eth0 -listen-port 1234 (see -help for more info).Pick an arbitrary port number for the stream, for example 1234. Set up a TZSP packet stream to the server this app will be running on.You can also define a MikroTik firewall mangle rule with the sniff-tzsp action, for detailed filtering of captured traffic. MikroTik RouterOS has built-in support for TZSP packet capture. You need to configure a router to capture the packet stream and provide it in TZSP format to this app. This app only performs the analysis of the packet stream, not the initial capture. You may need to register the installation directory in the PATH environment variable. The tshark command must be available in a new terminal. 2 GB of free space in the temporary files directory at runtime.On Windows, install the full version of Wireshark.On Ubuntu, the tshark package is sufficient.TShark (the command-line variant of Wireshark).The goal is to measure what types of data flows are visible on the IPv4 level, without going too far into the packet details. This app exports metrics about packet stream received over TZSP.